Top 4 Essential Personal Hygiene Tips for Kids for Complete Germ Protection

by AdminSep 28, 2020
Top 4 Essential Personal Hygiene Tips for Kids for Complete Germ Protection

Understanding the Importance of Personal Hygiene for Kids

Teaching about the importance of personal hygiene for kids itself is a hard task. Running here and there aimlessly, messing up with things, playing with dirt and filthy things is every child’s universal habit. But do you know that the habits they adopt in childhood will stay with them as they step into teenage and their twenties? As the children grow old, their poor standard of personal hygiene habits affect their health and increases their risk of disease. Keeping this in mind, we have put together top essential personal hygiene tips for kids in this article that keep any infection at bay.


1. Hand washing for at least 20 seconds

Children’s hands come into direct contact with dust, dirty surfaces, many germs, and bacteria daily. Unlike the adults, this exposure leads to harmful disease as their immune system is weak and still developing. It is vital to encourage washing hands for at least 20 seconds after touching something dirty, after using the toilet, and before eating.


2. Bathing after day-long exposure to grime, dust, and pollution

Though a regular bath is recommended for all after messy activities or exercises, it must be marked as an indispensable activity in children’s hygiene checklist. Convincing them to take bath after playing after the exposure to germs is a real struggle. Instead of convincing them to take bath, turn it up to be a fun activity using waterproof toys, funnels, colorful sponges, and other playful things.


3. Use Hand sanitizer for kids to maintain personal hygiene outdoor

There is a higher risk of Infection transmission outside especially in any type of crowded environment. To maintain personal hygiene for school students, do not allow them to avail congested public transports, and also they should refrain from using the stationery from their peers. Along with their own belongings, never forget to give instant hand sanitizers in your kid’s school bag as it curtails the risk of bacteria transmission by hand contact with peers or dirty surfaces.


4. Frequent showering to maintain hygiene for teens

Hygiene for kids of India is extremely crucial when they step into teenage. On reaching puberty, their body will start to produce more sweat and body odor. For this, parents need to take the initiative to alter the personal hygiene habits for kids accordingly. Frequent showering and hand washing are highly recommended for complete germ protection.

With the aim of protecting your kids from germs and bacteria, it is important to protect the entire family from germs and bacteria and leave no room for contagious illness. A clean and hygienic place is the foremost thing to keep in mind while considering your kid’s personal cleanliness. Cleantek brings a huge assortment of scientifically blended hygiene and sanitization products that help you disinfect the dirty surfaces and floor where your kids wander about. Also, they have brought different variants of instant, non-sticky, hand rub that come at the price of peanuts. Besides, keeping the hands of kids clean, a few drops of Cleantek instant hand sanitizer helps keep the moisture balance of the kid’s delicate palms intact.

Sanitize Your Hands to Stay Safe

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