Maintain hand hygiene without water: How to prevent infection with Hand Sanitizers?

by AdminSep 08, 2020
Maintain hand hygiene without water: How to prevent infection with Hand Sanitizers?

Maintain hand hygiene without water: How to prevent infection with Hand Sanitizers? 


Hand hygiene is now considered as one of the most important elements of infection control activities. According to WHO, there are several studies that have come up with few definitive data on the patient-care activities that are most likely to transmit bacteria to health care workers’ hands.


How does hand hygiene prevent infection?

In certain cases, bacteria are also detected on Health Care workers’ hands after the ‘clean’ contact with the infected ones. This happens when checking the patient’s pulse, temperature, or blood pressure. It is important to chalk out how to improve hand hygiene compliance in hospitals. Also, the common people should take measures while stepping outside, as they can get exposed to certain viruses and germs.


Clean Running Water is not available everywhere. Use sanitizers to ward off Germs anytime!

Washing hands frequently seems like a simple solution to prevent the spread of bacteria. But it is not as simple as it seems. We cannot get water everywhere to clean our hands. Hence, we must embrace hand sanitizer to avoid water expense and to align with hand hygiene compliance.

The best thing is that, we can narrow down some effective ways on how to practice hand hygiene in settings without clean running water. Check out these three following ways you can keep your hands clean as well as help your associates to maintain hand hygiene without water!


1. Make sanitizers easy-available to your associates- Increasing the availability of the hand sanitizers to the associates will not let them search for it. Having sanitizer mounted in the desks, or cabin, or outside of each entrance will make use convenient and serve as a visual reminder to use it.

2. Always carry a personal sanitizer outside– Carry paper towels, let your personal hand sanitizer to hang on bag, carry a disposable moist towel for any outing, in case clean, running water is not accessible at your destination.

3. Use hand sanitizer with alcohol– Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends using hand sanitizer that contains at least 60-70 percent alcohol. Hence, check the product label and make sure your sanitizer contains at least 60 percent alcohol.

4. Know the correct way of using it- Any bottled sanitizer comes with the ‘direction of use’ label which we tend to skip. Rubbing your hands for 3-4 seconds will not be effective. First, ensure the gel covers all surfaces of your hands and fingers, rub your palms around 20-22 seconds until your hands are dry. Do not wipe or rinse off the hand sanitizer before it is dry.


Cleantek brings a wide range of instant, non-sticky, rinse-free hand sanitizer with moisturizer that comes at affordable price. Besides, by keeping your hands clean, you can also save water and keep the moisture of your palm intact using a few drops of Cleantek instant hand rub

Sanitize Your Hands to Stay Safe

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